Udtalelse om situationen i Israel og Palæstina

Foto: Andrey Frol

Bestyrelsen i IBBY International (IBBY Executive Commitee) har udsendt nedenstående udtalelse vedrørende den uhyggelige situation i Israel og Palæstina. Udtalelsen gengives på engelsk.

The events that unfolded since Saturday, 7 October stunned and shocked the world. The International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) denounces all violence, in any form, and especially violence against children. IBBY’s Mission Statement calls for the protection of all children as codified in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that every child has the inherent right to life and promotes the development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Fifteen years ago, the IBBY Gaza libraries in Beit Hanoun and Rafah opened their doors. These two libraries gave the local children havens where they could enjoy reading and dream of a better future through books. The libraries stayed open through years of blockade, confrontation and poverty, but now war is again destroying their fragile existence. We are deeply concerned for all the children affected by this war: with Gaza under siege and facing a rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation, we are especially worried about our librarians and their innocent visitors.

Hostage taking and massacres are indefensible, but the current conflict will not solve anything. Therefore, we call on all agencies and organizations that believe in justice, peace and humanity to work towards a diplomatic solution and end this tragic war. The children of Israel and Palestine deserve better than this.

IBBY Executive Committee
18 October 2023


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